Upcoming Events from State of Flux

2024 Summits - Events

Supplier Management Summit 2024

This upcoming summit will bring together procurement professionals from around the world to explore the latest trends and best practices in supplier management.
This year’s theme, "Return on Relationships" (RoR), focuses on moving beyond traditional cost-based metrics to encompass the full spectrum of value that strong supplier partnerships can offer. From risk mitigation and supply chain resilience to driving innovation and sustainability, RoR represents a comprehensive approach to supplier management.


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Previous Events - Watch the Recording

Supplier Management Summit 2023 - Virtual Session

View last year's 2023 virtual summit for attendees who wanted to attend the event but could not do so in person. We created a special online session just for them to see what exactly State of Flux has to offer and the data we gathered from 2023's research report.


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Supplier Management Summit 2023 - APAC

View last year's 2023 APAC summit that was broadcasted live in Melbourne, Australia. This event was held in person and hosted by our very own Frank Lai. Accompanied by our guest speakers and CEO & Founder, Alan Day.


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2024 Events - Webinar 1

How to Build a Supplier Management Business Case


In 30min, Alan Day explains how you can develop a business case to gain investment in your Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) capabilities. He then answered many interesting questions from the audience to give a deeper understanding of the topic.  


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Defining the Role for Head of Supplier Management


Learn in 30min how to set up your new "Head of Supplier Management" for success. What should be in the job description, what needs to be the focus of the role and how can you define success metrics? The tips in this webinar will help you find the right person for the job, or identify the skills needed to fill the role. There will be time for questions during the 15min Q&A session.


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2024 Events - Webinar 2
2024 Events - Webinar 4

A CPO's 100-day Plan to Review Supplier Management


Alan Day, Chairman and Founder of State of Flux, will take you through a 100-day plan to review your supplier management and outline the 10 key activities you need to undertake as a new CPO. There will be time for questions during the 15min Q&A session.


View the Recording