Register for the Supplier Management Summit 2024

The Supplier Management Summits 2024 will bring together procurement professionals from around the world to explore the latest trends and best practices in supplier management.
This year’s theme, "Return on Relationships" (RoR), focuses on moving beyond traditional cost-based metrics to encompass the full spectrum of value that strong supplier partnerships can offer. From risk mitigation and supply chain resilience to driving innovation and sustainability, RoR represents a comprehensive approach to supplier management.

Register now, places are limited and there is no cost to attend. 

Join us in London, Chicago or Melbourne as we unveil the latest findings from our 16th annual research, conducted with over 300 organisations worldwide. Discover how to harness the power of strategic supplier relationships to achieve not just financial returns, but also long-term business value.
The 2024 summits are sponsored by Zip.

Melbourne, Australia

Chicago, USA

London, United Kingdom

Click here for the agenda

Register for the Supplier Management Summit 2024

Agenda for the Summit in Melbourne, Australia

8:30am - Registration
9:00am - Welcome and introduction
9:10am - Keynote: Return on Relationships
Speaker: TBC
9:30am - 2024 Global SRM Research: Discover the latest key market trends and insights from our 2024 Research, focusing on the Return on Relationships
Speaker: Alan Day, Chairman and Founder - State of Flux
10:00am – Keynote: 
Speaker: TBC
10:20am - Break with refreshments
10:50am – Keynote: 
Speaker: TBC
11:10am - Keynote: 
Speaker: TBC
11:25am - Panel discussion -
Panellists: TBC
11:45am - Q&A from audience
12:00pm – End

Agenda for Summit in London, United Kingdom

8:30am - Registration
9:00am - Welcome and introduction
9:10am - Keynote: Return on Relationships
Speaker: TBC
9:30am - 2024 Global SRM Research: Discover the latest key market trends and insights from our 2024 research, focusing on the return on relationships
Speaker: Alan Day, Chairman and Founder - State of Flux
10:10am – Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
10:30am - Break with refreshments
10:50am – Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
11:10am - Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
11:25am - Panel discussion -
Panellists: TBC
11:45am - Q&A from audience
12:00pm – Network and Lunch

Agenda for Summit in Chicago, United States of America

8:30am - Registration
9:00am - Welcome and introduction
9:10am - Keynote: Return on Relationships
Speaker: TBC
9:30am - 2024 Global SRM Research: Discover the latest key market trends and insights from our 2024 research, focusing on the return on relationships
Speaker: Alan Day, Chairman and Founder - State of Flux
10:10am – Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
10:30am - Break with refreshments
10:50am – Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
11:10am - Keynote:
Speaker: TBC
11:25am - Panel discussion -
Panellists: TBC
11:45am - Q&A from audience
12:00pm – Network and Lunch