Become The Customer of Choice 

Understanding your organisation from the supplier perspective is vital if you are serious about becoming a customer of choice. To understand your supplier's perspective, you need to listen to their voice. Ask yourself:

  • What are we like to work with compared to other customers that our suppliers have?”
  • “Where should we focus the effort to build on what suppliers think we do well?”
  • What would our suppliers like us to do differently, and how can I use this to build the internal case for change?”
  • How can I baseline our supplier engagement to know that our programme is driving improvement?”
VoS LP 1

For over ten years, more than 300 organisations that have completed, the Voice of the Supplier program have saved money, reduced risk and increased revenue. The feedback obtained from over 3000 suppliers acts as a catalyst for cultural change and measures supplier satisfaction.

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Customer of Choice in 5 Steps

Benefits of Listening to Your Suppliers

Benefit of Listening to Your Suppliers

The benefits highlighted in our research demonstrate that effective supplier engagement and just being ‘better’ to work with’ provide multiple sources of value beyond preferential pricing. The customer-of-choice benefits that survey respondents reported to us demonstrate the importance of taking a collaborative approach.

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Our Customer Success Stories:

Stanwell Energy
Stanwell Energy
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Premier Oil
Premier Oil
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Harbour Energy Case Study
Harbour Energy
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Global Bank Case Study
Global Bank
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